For a US client with a near-monopoly in a specialized classified US defense market but with no initial market penetration in a strategic Asian market: coordinated and finalized partnership agreements with several private and government organizations in Asia resulting in the client’s successful penetration of the Asian defense market.
For a US client with an emerging telecommunication product: coordinated and finalized partnership agreements with several Asian organizations resulting in the client’s expansion into Asia.
For a US client with world-class technology: represented the firm in both North and S.E. Asia and coordinated sales of major defense products with total sales exceeding $1B per year.
For a US client with world-class disruptive technology with a desire to enter the Asian market: initially delivered a single-day presentation characterizing the market for their product, domestic (Asian) competition, and options for a possible path forward.
For a company with no previous presence in an international market: sold the company brand into decision-makers in China, developed and implemented a product strategy that emphasized discriminators, and worked within the complex Chinese procurement requirements resulting in a >$100M sale.
White Horse provides Solutions that have resulted in client investment or contracts for new orders ranging from $10K to more than $100M, with cumulative order increases of more than $2B.